It works!

If you can see this message that means your internet connection is working.


This website was made as a personal tool to help me get redirected to a WiFi Captive Portal login page (also commonly referred as a "Mikrotik" hotspot login page).

With almost all websites using HTTPS nowadays, the browser will show an warning message every time the website is being redirected to a captive portal login page because the HTTPS certificate won't match, or even worse, you can't access the login page at all because the WiFi access point is basically hijacking your network and your browser isn't happy about it.

HTTPS is a good thing and you should always use HTTPS whenever possible, it can prevent your network from being hijacked. But in this case, we actually want to be hijacked.

With this website not using HTTPS at all, this website can get hijacked and get redirected to a captive portal login page without the browser showing any warnings.

So every time you need to access the WiFi captive portal login page, you can just visit this website.